Now, I don't want DS to go and that's a huge shame for him to miss out. I get that trampolining can have risks, but if you're running a centre for young people, surely Flip Out should demonstrate that they are responsible business owners. I've read a few articles here and in the news about this chain none very good. Perhaps both are also contravening data protection too. Businesses often use a waiver toward customers to minimize the risk of legal implications if a customer or client gets injured, however, waivers can be used in a variety of situations. The photography waiver is completely unnecessary as is the compulsory opt in to future mailings/marketing. A waiver is a document that obtains written confirmation from an individual that they are relinquishing a right or privilege. Apparently, I need to sign to indemnify them against loss if my son injures himself there and give them the irrevocable right to take and use images of him in any pictures, videos etc. 11:44 DS has been invited to a party there.Kitted out with interlocking wall-to-wall. Flip 1 2 AIBU Follow topic To think the Flip Out waiver is ridiculous 29 replies PenguinRoar Rather than making me feel like they take their responsibilities of creating and managing their environment safely, this document makes me think it's an unmanaged death trap. Unleash your flips, fly, and spring your way through the amazing trampoline park in total comfort and safety. The TandCs are full of weasely legal jargon that would not pass for plain English anywhere, placing responsibility on under 18 year olds to take full responsibility for their behaviour at all times. And to read the full terms and conditions (that you are agreeing to) you then have to go to their website as well.