Check which version of DirectX is installed DirectX 12 Ultimate gives developers a large, multi-platform install base of hardware to target, and ready-made tools and examples to work from - all backed by time-saving middleware.

Games that use DirectX can use multimedia accelerator features built-in to your hardware more efficiently which improves your overall multimedia experience. If your OS version number is lower than 2004, then you can only … dan wesson 715 barrels DirectX is a set of components in Windows that allows software, primarily and especially games, to work directly with your video and audio hardware. If your Windows 10 version is Version 2004 or higher, then you can tải về DirectX 12 Ultimate on your computer. DirectX 12 - DirectX 9 Microsoft DirectX Sürücüleri WinRAR Arşivleme ve Arşiv Açma Program Kategorileri. Caesar IV Tek Link indir Yüce Sezar! Roma İmparatorluğu'nda yeni kurulan bir vilayetin valisi olarak başlayan hedefiniz basit: Bir sonraki Sezar olmak için imparatorluğun siyasi merdivenini yükseltin. This sample uses multiple adapters to render a simple ray-traced scene using a pixel. The parallel use of both GPUs allows for an increase in performance and for more complex workloads. Intel's integrated GPU (iGPU) and a discrete NVIDIA GPU (dGPU) are used to share the workload of ray-tracing a scene. This sample shows how to implement an explicit multi-adapter application using DirectX 12.